Friday, October 18, 2019

In Which the False Falls Away

It's interesting that the "real" world values us based on our abilities to appear as unreal as possible.  We are most valued when we are tireless, errorless, emotionless, changeless.  In the "real" world, we are most valued when we are mechanical, when we appear to be not alive.

So we put on fake faces to interact with one another, to appear "professional," to appear to be that which others deem valuable so we can "earn a living."

And every bit of it is built on lies. The "real" world is the most artificial thing there is.

So why bother with it? 

I don't think I'm really all that depressed at all.  I think I've been in between worlds and haven't found my way in any of them.  I'm so tired of doing things that I don't care at all about.  Aren't you?

It's not that nothing matters; it's that none of -this- matters.  There are plenty of other things that do, and that's where I'll be.