For about a month now, I've lived with the Moma, worked with new folks and felt that I've done very, very little work, professionally and personally. I've also been pretty depressed off and on (not likely to be a coincidence).
I especially enjoy evenings sitting outside with my aunt, cousins and sometimes the Moma. Last night the fireflies came out, but so did bats. I have a fondness for bats--actually, I have a fondness for everything--but I was admittedly thrilled to watch them circling the backyard, clicking and narrowly avoiding each other. One of them grazed a gutter but was apparently unharmed.
There are, however, some down sides. Well, one downside. The neighbor on the north side of my mom's (my aunt lives on the south side) is a little bit of a... I don't really know how to describe him. He has a feud with my aunt's dude, and the only reason is that the guy (we call him the Bear in the Big Blue House because none of us remember his name) might be insane.
I think he must be pretty lonely and bored. He's been firing off fireworks, mostly bottle rockets and firecrackers every day, sometimes going on after 11 pm. His garage caught fire two weeks ago, and last week he started yelling across the yard. My mom was out tending to the ducks when she heard, "Hey, Norm!"
Bear was in the backyard. He'd taken down the privacy fence between his driveway and my mom's side yard, and could see through to my Aunt's, where my cousin's dude was doing yardwork. He yelled something to the effect of, "you just wait until tonight, I've got a surprise for you. I know people you don't."
This, of course, was rather upsetting to my aunt. Instead of the confrontation I was concerned about, his surprise was a letter scrawled in red ink, left in the middle of the night on the front door with duct tape. He wrote his address, but wrote "thouth" instead of south and "arirprot" instead of airport. The rest was reasonably spelled, strangely enough.
The letter was vaguely threatening, in that he insisted that he found Norm was a bad influence to the neighborhbood and that he was going to tell the landlord about the activities going on and pester the police ("pester" was written in the margin) until Norm was arrested or kicked out.
But so far, nothing. Keeping our fingers crossed. I am really quite patient, but harassing my family? No. Legal action will be taken if it has to be.
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