Now, this may sound a little woo-woo, but if you know me relatively well, you know that is where I dwell. Leading up to the eclipse, it felt as though everything was getting faster: time, expectation, restlessness. The general feeling of "I've been waiting my entire life for this," swarmed up around me, boiling within.
Here we are, today, a moon and a day later, and things in my life are cycling into a new sort of dawn. Meaningful people have fallen out of my life, concerns have dropped out of mind, and the sense of consciously trusting my heart and my intuition has never been so prominent.
Everything really seems as though it is for the best right now, regardless of how it will be in the future, regardless of how it was in the past. It is all love. I may see love differently than most, I understand, but when you recognize all beings as the same consciousness, flowing through perspectives, filters, stories of the perceived past or hopeful futures, you respect it.
The "other" person is you, not figuratively, not metaphorically, literally and completely you. This lets you free them entirely from your own expectations and demands. Recognizing them as an equal creator, as equally divine, their path as equally valid, lets you gift them with absolute freedom to be as they are without attachment or demand.
We are all. There's only one of us. The more time goes by, the more obvious this becomes to me, the greater the pervasion of this perspective on the surface of my awareness. Now I recognize that attachments are fear based, because there can be no loss if you are all and all are you. You can choose to be with those you love freely, and when they choose otherwise, you don't hold it against them because you recognize that they are choosing/creating their own experiences just as you are choosing/creating yours.
It really is geometry, shape, and tone. It is all vibration. We are everything simultaneously, but we focus our attention in such particular ways we perceive time and singular lines of that time. But it is all love. It is all you. It is all me, free to experience anything at all.